I have a 2003 Chevy Impala and the blower motor is rubbing on something and it vibrates the whole dashboard bad can i fix this and how?
You can fix it by replacing it with a new one, but make sure the one that is already in there has all the retaining screws (no empty holes). I have added the replacement procedures below.
Heater System Blower Motor
Removal & Installation
Heater System Blower Motor
Removal & Installation
1) Remove the insulator from under the right side of the dash.
2) Disconnect the electrical connector from the blower motor.
3) Remove the blower motor retaining screws.
4) Remove the blower motor.
To Install:
1) Install the blower motor.
2) Install the blower motor mounting screws.
3) Connect the electrical connector to the blower motor.
4) Install the under dash insulator.