I have a 1994 Chevy S-10 2.2L Engine. Drove fine to work and on the way home out of nowhere the engine died and won't start. I hit the key and it turns over but now it sounds different and will not start. It has spark and i tried starter fluid and still won't start. What could it be?
The 2.2L engine has a common problem with failing timing chain tensioners that break and cause the timing chain to jump at at once. this throws off the valve timing and causes no compression. In most cases you can just install a new timing chain and tensioner and problem solved. In some cases not only does the chain and tensioner need to be replaced but the valves can sometimes get bent, usually the exhaust valves. So after you replace the timing chain and tensioner perform a compression test, if no compression is found, you can be sure the next step is removing the head to see how many valves need to be replaced. Don't forget to replace the head bolts at the same time as they are one time use only bolts.